Craft Your Business Origin Story So It Does the Selling for You

create a powerful story that Serves your marketing, messaging, and sales goals

February 25th, 12PM-3PM (ET) / 9AM-12PM (PT)

Your origin story is powerful when told in the right way.

  • It can attract your ideal customers like a magnet.
  • It can establish credibility and instantly instill trust.
  • It can deepen your perceived value and allow you to charge more for your products and services.
  • It can provide an express lane to "yes" for sales, speaking engagements, referrals, and more.
  • It's a secret weapon you'll learn to skillfully employ in this workshop.

Every business has a story but not all businesses know how to leverage theirs to maximum effect and impact. Do you?

In this hands-on workshop, you'll:

  • Learn the key components that make for a great story
  • Understand the proper flow of a great, compelling story
  • Have time to draft the "bones" of your own story
  • Have opportunity to get some feedback on your story components
  • Understand how to employ your story to maximize impact

Easily Said & Done

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