One Man's Art

Last week, my friend Cindy offered to take me to the New York Botanic Gardens as she has a membership there.

It was the final days of their annual Orchid Show and I was looking forward to it.

We picked a lovely sunny day and met up at the train station.

On the way there, Cindy told me that some of her other friends who'd already been to the show during its 'prime time' were not impressed.

They advised her that it wasn't really worth the time and trouble.

Now, I hadn't been to the gardens in years, so I suppose if you're a regular, then sure, I guess you could find the spectacle of copious blooming orchids from around the globe ho-hum.

I, however, did not. Neither did Cindy.

We took a bunch of photos, discussed the ones we liked the best, oohed and aahed over the floral designs, and had a great day out.

My mom used to say, "One man's art is another man's trash."

The only thing I'd add to that is: the trick in life and business is to recognize who's who and steer each to his treasure.

I remember watching a nature program that explained that in part the amazing variety of orchids is due to the fact that for some there is only one species responsible for pollination.

As a results, individual orchid species have developed sneaky ways to trick pollinators into doing their bidding.

It reminds me of a conversation I recently had with a client about driving sales.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you trick your customers!

I am suggesting that you consider what is uniquely interesting to them as incentive to purchase, especially these days when people are being (perhaps) a bit more discerning with their income.

Here are a few things you might consider:

  • Will free shipping above a certain purchase amount matter?
  • How about exclusive access or 'pre-sale' opportunities?
  • What about loyalty rewards, or free gifts or samples?

Here's the thing, we're all weighing and assessing value all the time—what's worth the price, the investment of time, the inconvenience.

It's practically as automatic as breathing. We do it without barely having to think about it.

And, that's what you should be striving for with your audience.

You want their investment in working with and/or buying from you to be an absolute no-brainer because it makes sense and appeals to the things that matter to them.

Remember, you're not for everyone and everyone is not your ideal customer so don't be afraid to get creative and unique with your sales approach.

When done right, just like those orchids, your appeal will be undeniable.

Until next week, enjoy what's blooming around you while it's here!

P.S. — If you missed it, last week I told you why you should trust yourself On a Gut Level.

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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