
Easily Said & Done

Workin' for the Automaton

Published 20 days ago • 2 min read

This past weekend I had my first AI interview.

At the beginning of the week, I applied for a contract gig posted to LinkedIn, mostly on a lark. It was simple to use their "Easy apply" to do it and so what did I have to lose?!

The next day I received an email asking me to set up a 20 minute interview with the company's AI recruiter.

The notification assures me there is no need to prepare. I will simply be asked questions related to the experience and education included in my resume.

At the appointed time I'm prompted to enter the Google Meet where the AI greets me and tells me not to pause too long when answering or I may be cut off.

The AI begins by asking me to tell it about a specific instance when I helped a company improve their customer experience and engagement.

And, we're off.

As a preface to each follow-up question, the AI references the substance or context of my previous answer and, by doing so, makes me feel as though it is actively listening to me and that my answers are well-considered.

The AI voice is definitively masculine but not quite human, which is actually reassuring. There's no attempt here to make me believe I'm speaking with a real person.

In pretty much exactly 20 minutes, the AI thanks me, tells me our time is up (just like a therapist might), and instructs me to click the button to end the meeting.

Afterward, I sit for a long moment thinking, "That was weird but not as weird as I was expecting."

But, here's what was missing for me: The opportunity to ask questions that would help me understand whether this is a legitimate position or just a clever rouse to train an AI HR system. Or, giving the company the benefit of the doubt, whether the position is a good fit for me.

Apparently, if the AI deems me worthy from our interview, I will be moved to the next stage of the process and provided with information and instructions for what that entails.

Hopefully, humans take it from there, but I don't know, which is also problematic to me.

So, can AI help weed through applicants to find a diamond in the bunch?

Sure, I suppose so. It's not inconceivable to think that an AI system, given the right inputs about hard and soft skills, could winnow down a pool of qualified applicants.

But, also, maybe not so.

Often, the right person for the job doesn't check all the predefined boxes. They're someone who can learn and grow into and with the position and needs of the organization.

That pretty much describes almost every job I've ever had, excelled in, and enjoyed.

While AI is quickly invading all aspects of corporate (and personal) life, I still think the best hiring strategy is to look for people who fit the culture and energy, and possess the soft skills necessary to be successful, while also being teachable and eager to build upon their hard skills and expertise.

If you are using AI or another recruiting system to help you source great candidates and hires, I'd love to hear from you. Please hit 'Reply' and tell me about it.

And, if you're still sorting through how AI and automation can help you scale and grow, schedule your complimentary business strategy conversation with me today.

Until next time,

If you missed it, last week I shared inspirational, thought-provoking Ancient Chinese Secrets.

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Easily Said & Done

Why grow your business alone?

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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