A New Tattoo

I recently started reading Rebecca Frost Cuevas's Course Design Formul , which I recommend if you're currently offering courses or workshops or are interested in doing so.

Rebecca is the Founder and CEO of Learn and Get Smarter, Inc., and is a leading online learning education consultant and trainer for experts and entrepreneurs.

Here's the thing I really love about Rebecca's process and strategy, it's not just for courses.

I always say that marketing is education and that you have to keep educating your prospects and customers throughout their journey with you.

I'm excited to share Rebecca's process for crafting an effective lead magnet—a free resource you offer your audience in exchange for their information—based on her winning strategy.

When done right, a lead magnet not only grows your email list but also showcases your expertise and gives potential customers a "quick win."

Since you want the message in your lead magnet to stick, think of it as a “TATTOO.”

  • Choose a TOPIC that aligns with your business goals and expertise.
    It should be something you're passionate about and that directly relates to the problems your business solves.
  • Understand your AUDIENCE.
    What motivates them to engage with your business? What are they curious about? What gives them a feeling of success and confidence? What do they want to achieve?
  • Decide what positive TRANSFORMATION your lead magnet will provide.
    Will it help people understand and articulate ideas? Change their attitude or behaviors? Develop new ways to approach a learning task? Build a new skill?
  • Select the format TYPE based on your audience and transformative goal.
    What will be most effective? What's the easiest way for your audience to consume and apply the information you're sharing?
  • OUTLINE the right structure to deliver the transformation you're providing.
    Each type of transformation requires a different type of framework or approach, for example a checklist, worksheet, demonstration, or quiz.
  • Continue to OPTIMIZE your lead magnet based on insights and results.
    Make sure it's easy to understand, engaging, and relevant to keep it evergreen and that it drives your audience deeper into engagement with you.

Need help?

Download Rebecca's Strategic Lead Magnet Worksheet today. There's absolutely no email or registration required to access it.

You may also want to check out Rebecca's blog post on using her Course Design Formula® to structure your entire business!

When you've got your new lead magnet ready to go, feel free to share it with me. I'd love to see what you create.

Until next time,

PS - In case you missed it, last week I shared a Worth-y Endeavor.

Your success is our strategy!

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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