Learning to Fly

I was planning to write one of those typical messages about getting back into a business mindset now that Labor Day is in the rearview and we’re heading into the busiest time of year for many of us.

But, when I sit down to write, I don’t feel the usual back-to-school energy that’s typical for me during the first week of September.

Instead, I’m reflecting on my mixed bag of a summer and wishing it weren’t, in everything but name, over.

I had such momentum coming into the season and then life kind of sidelined me.

My mom got sick, needed surgery, got better, and then worse again with a new issue.

All told, I probably spent less than a month of summer in my own home and less than that able to focus on my own things.

Many of the goals I set for myself back in May are still just that, goals, with very little headway achieved.

But then, I think about something that happened, which probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been caring for my mom and gone so much of the time.

Pigeons built a nest in the shadow of my lounge chair on my terrace.

Each time I came home in June, I tracked the progress of the eggs and am grateful I was there in July to witness first one then the other squab hatch.

For the next several weeks, the babies grow bigger and braver, exploring more of my terrace. They learn to hop onto surfaces and then onto my railing.

One day early in August, I watch the larger, older squab take flight. The littler squab takes longer to test its wings. It flaps about but doesn’t leave the safety of its perch. It cries and coos and hops around seemingly working up its nerve.

Then, one day, without ceremony or complaint with a big stretch of its wings it flies away, too.

This is life, I think. Amazing!

Sometimes we’re like the first-born pigeon, we spread our wings and fly without hesitation, without setback. Things feel easy and natural. We are unstoppable.

If you're feeling like this, yay you!

Sometimes, however, we need time and courage to propel us forward, to push us from survival mode to flying high and thriving.

If you can relate, feel free to reach out to me for a sympathetic ear and some support.

Until next time,

PS - If you missed it, last week I cried Help! I Need Somebody.

Lauren is such an incredible coach for established and emerging entrepreneurs. She mixes heart with wisdom and tailors her approach for wherever you are in your journey. So many breakthroughs and things to incorporate going forward. It was truly an honor to learn from her!
Vinny Anand, Co-Founder, FortyLove

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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