Shaken and Stirred

Hi Reader,

Did you know that research shows men are more comfortable ordering a cocktail when they know what kind of glass the drink is served in?

It's led some restaurants and bars to add images to their cocktail menus to give men the boost of confidence they need.

When you think about it, it makes sense.

Some men think it doesn't look manly to drink a fruity cocktail or one that comes in a glass associated with fruity cocktails. So rather than risk it, they'll go with what they know.

Big deal. So what?

The larger implication is that you also need to understand what may be getting in the way of your customers or clients buying what you're selling.

What's their hidden fear, anxiety, or discomfort?

What's the question they're either afraid to ask or don't even realize they need to have answered so they can buy from you without reservation?

This is where some research and a customer or buyer journey map can really deliver value for your business, but odds are you've already got some intel that can help you identify the kryptonite for customers.

Start with what you've already gathered and learned through:

  • Networking, sales, and customer conversations or interviews
  • Survey responses
  • Feedback from prospects and customers
  • Website analytics
  • Social media comments and DMs
  • Frequently asked questions

While it's important to address what you're specifically finding in all of this information, you also need to read between the lines.

People often skirt around what they really want to know, especially if it makes them uncomfortable.

For instance, people ask me lots of questions about pricing when what they really want to talk about is money, as in revenues and profits.

But talking about money is frowned upon for mission-driven entrepreneurs and is certainly a sensitive subject in our society as a whole and for my audience in particular.

However, I love talking about money and I do frequently. One of my goals is to destigmatize conversations around money for entrepreneurs because a healthy relationship with money is vital to running a successful enterprise.

I often start off letting prospects know that we're going to be talking about money and I understand that may be uncomfortable for them. Then, I explain why it's so important we have this conversation.

Whether or not we end up working together, they've begun an important journey reframing their relationship with and mindset around money, which is a win-win in my book.

By initiating that transformation for them, I'm delivering immeasurable value that pays off in current or future business and referrals as well as countless acts of goodwill and good karma.

Listen, it's not easy peaking under the hood of your research to find the hidden insights that can turbocharge your business results.

If you need help or want to transform your own money relationship, just hit reply. I'm here for you.

Until next time,

PS - In case you missed it, last week I explained why Diversity Is Key to your business security.

Lauren is a true gem.

Her realistic approach to business is something every owner needs to elevate their business to the next level. She's such an amazing coach!

Elesia Forgie, Owner, Sunflower Laundromat

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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