And We're Off...

If your holiday break was like mine, things didn't exactly go as planned.

Maybe you were stranded at an airport. Or, spent way too much time trying to get a COVID test. Or, quarantining. Or, were dealing with some other unexpected, unplanned inconvenience or worse.

That's definitely what happened to me. We had a COVID scare, scrambled to get tested, and then couldn't get the results of our tests until we completed quarantine because the labs were backed up.

In the midst of that, we had a leak that flooded part of the basement and had to find someone to come on New Year's Eve day to fix it.

So, not the restive, reflective, chill vacay I had envisioned. And, yet, that's kind of on par for the times we're living in. Am I right?

It's also a very pertinent reminder that the very best of plans will likely require revising in the face of reality.

While I planned to rest and strategize for the year ahead, I did very little of either.

As a result, I could really use your help as I work to catch up and prepare a roadmap for 2022.

Would you be kind enough to
complete a 5 question survey for me on what's top of mind for your business this year?

I promise
it is very short and also anonymous!

Its purpose is to make sure I'm covering topics here and elsewhere in my business that are meaningful and relevant to you so I don't waste my time or yours.

And, even though my holidays weren't all that I'd hoped, I'm still pretty darn excited for the year ahead and what I've got in the works.

I hope you're feeling that same buzz of excitement, too!

But, if you've got the post-holiday blues, that's okay, too. That's how I felt last year at this time, and here's the one thing I did that helped me work my way out of that funk:

I gave myself one very simple daily self-care goal to accomplish as part of my morning routine.

After a week straight of achieving that goal, I gave myself another, and then another. Until, one day, I didn't need to provide easy wins to get myself going each day.

That said, even though I'm not in a funk, I'm still going to build on that same strategy this year to finally make progress toward some fitness and health goals I pushed to the backburner last year.

Start small and be consistent - that's the mantra and methodology to make real change happen.

If you're struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out. As the saying goes, we are stronger together!

And, thanks in advance for your help with my survey!!
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Easily Said & Done

Your success is our strategy!

Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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