Are You Limited?

Hello Reader,

As you may recall, I’ve been conducting market research for a course I’m developing. So, I’ve been having a lot of conversations with small business service providers lately.

One of my biggest takeaways from these conversations is that everyone makes assumptions about what the market will bear that limit their thoughts and beliefs around pricing.

The best antidote for those limiting beliefs is to go out and talk to clients, prospects, and people in your target market, which I know can be scary.

It’s easier to put out a survey or a poll and allow that to serve as your market research.

But nothing takes the place of actual conversation.

Because when you talk to people, you can delve deeper into the why and uncover the hidden gems that define true value for how you serve your audience.

Ultimately, my new course is going to be about how to define your deeper value so you can charge what you want…but more on that when I get there.

Today, I want you to do a little exercise to uncover the limiting beliefs that may be impacting your pricing by answering this series of questions:

  1. If you knew people wouldn’t bat an eye at the price, what would you charge?
  2. Why aren’t you charging that price now?
  3. How do you know your answer to #2 is true?

If your answer to question 3 is anything other than that my clients/prospects have literally told me either through a conversation I've had with them or feedback, then you know what you need to do—start reaching out and scheduling some time to talk to people.

And, if your information is based on conversations with clients or prospects, great, then I want you to ask yourself why your audience doesn’t recognize the true value of what you do for them because there’s a disconnect between your assessment of the value and theirs.

Most often, this is due to how you define your value for them.

Last week I wrote about living on your growing edge and challenged you to step out of your comfort zone. If you missed it, you can read it here. And if you took me up on my challenge, I'd love to hear about it!

Until next week, don't be afraid to dig deeper!

P.S. Need some help get rid of your limiting beliefs and pricing your worth? Schedule some time with me.

Your success is our strategy!

Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who might benefit from its contents.

Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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