Be 'That Guy'...

You may know that one of my brothers is a successful working character actor. He gets recognized on the street and at airports, but he's not so famous that it interferes with his or his family's life.

That's all to say, he regularly works.

Most recently, he was featured in the season premiere episodes of a longstanding TV show, which aired last week.

Friends and family emailed, messaged, and called to say they'd caught his performance. Several commented on how much they love seeing my brother back in his usual milieu as a "sleazy lawyer" or "delicious baddie."

And while, yes, he plays a lot of those characters, and I do mean A LOT, there's obvious nuance and diversity amongst them.

So, why am I telling you about my brother and his typecasting, Reader?

Because it strikes me that, as a kind of counterpoint to last week's message, it's important to remember that often success is built on doing something exceedingly well over and over again.

And, the challenge for many, who start off loving what they do, is in remaining in love with it as the days, months, and years roll on.

A while back I asked my brother whether he ever gets tired of playing essentially the same kinds of characters over and over again.

He said, "Yup, absolutely. But, as a character actor, my job is to be 'that guy' every time and also to be a completely different and unique guy each time."

That's a pretty insightful description of a character actor...and a lot of successful entrepreneurs, too.

You've got to show up as the person your prospects expect, and then you have to deliver based on what they each need and care about.

The ongoing joy, I believe, often lies in between those two points and/or in how you balance those two different aspects of your job.

If you're feeling bored or a bit low in the joy department, then you may want to outsource or automate some of the repetitive tasks and responsibilities on your plate.

Then, you can focus more on the things only you can do to be 'that guy' and also be the unique solution-provider your customers really need.

Need help? Schedule a conversation with me.

Until next week, keep feeling and fueling the joy!

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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