One Sick Puppy

Last week, I was sick as a dog. The kind of sick where just getting out of bed is an unsurmountable challenge.

It’s weird because the week started off with so much promise.

On Sunday, I was super productive. I got so much done and felt ahead of schedule for the first time in a long while. Ready, as it were, for a great week.

Plus, I was supposed to attend a conference Wednesday through Friday, and I was really looking forward to an in-person event after so long being Zoom-bound.

But, by Tuesday morning, I was wondering how I was going to get through my appointments for the day. I kept thinking if I could only lie back down, I’d feel so much better.

Finally, around 3PM, I did just that, but I only felt worse the next day, so I made the executive decision not to go to the first day of the conference.

By then, I had to admit I was kind of low-key sick. I had a low-grade fever, a cough, and a headache.

I thought, ok, a day napping and reading, drinking tea, and taking ibuprofen will do the trick. At 8:30PM, I crawled into bed, coughing and wheezing, hoping a decent night's sleep would work its magic.

Eventually, I did sleep, but it was anything but decent.

When I woke up very early Thursday feeling and sounding even worse than when I’d gone to bed, I knew it was time to contact TeleHealth Urgent Care and get some professional guidance and support.

After describing the onset of my symptoms, I asked the doctor if I should graduate from my home COVID tests, which kept resulting in negative readings, and get a PCR Test.

The doctor very kindly said, “Lauren, you’ve got a classic viral respiratory infection, not COVID. Unfortunately, there’s no remedy. I can recommend some things to help with the symptoms and to ensure it doesn’t develop into something worse, but that’s about it.”

That was the good and bad news rolled into one.

She also told me that this kind of thing runs about 8 days, and by my count I was only on day 3 or 4.

Based on how I felt and the fact that things could get worse before better, I took the rest of the week off, only sending and responding to a handful of necessary emails.

It was a good reminder that we all need sick days!

But sick days only work if we have the wisdom and, dare I say it, the sense of security necessary to use them.

As an entrepreneur, I find it difficult to give myself permission to sit out a workday. I don’t get paid for staying in bed, after all, and I wager you don't either.

That’s why it’s important to consider your ‘time off’ needs when calculating pricing, sales targets, and revenue goals.

I know, I know. I'm a weirdo. I get sick, and all I can think about is business strategy.

But, this past week has reminded me quite clearly that—

If you can’t afford to take time off when you need it most, something in your business isn’t working the way it should.

And that needs fixing, pronto.

Until next week, please stay healthy! But, if you can’t, do the right thing and take good care of yourself and everyone else by staying home.

Need help ensuring you have the financial security to take care of yourself in sickness and in health?

PS - In case you missed it, last week I asked How Do You Decide?

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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