Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

I recently came across another business coach who shared the three things she said wealthy entrepreneurs do that most of us who did not grow up with wealth don't, which make all the difference in driving real financial success.

Before I get into that, I want to stress, that everyone's revenue and income goals are different. What defines a hugely successful business and 'real wealth' isn't necessary the same for all of us.

In addition, I 100% agree that these three things are critical in building a successful enterprises no matter your definition of success.

  1. Make your money work for you
    Switch your mindset from one of saving your coin to investing it into what will drive your business forward and optimize revenue generation in the future.

    My parents instilled in me a save mentality. While I was earning a regular salary, this served me pretty well, helping me pay off student and car loans and keeping me from acquiring more debt.

    As a business owner, however, I need to balance building my cash reserves (saving) with investing in things that help me up my game, keep me competitive, and create new opportunities.

    These three common money mindsets can hold your business back from the success you deserve.
  2. Get comfortable saying 'no'
    Not every opportunity that comes along is the best opportunity for you or your business. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice a good one so a better one can arise.

    My client was offered an exclusive partnership that she felt pressured to accept in part because they'd put a time limit on their offer and also because it would immediately help her bring in more business.

    In reality, the deal locks her into a relationship more beneficial to the proposer. So, she passes, and it gives us the idea to launch a preferred partner program, which the other company joins, that allows my client to grow her business through multiple referral streams and on her own terms.

    Learn how to say 'no' with grace and confidence.
  3. Don't wait till you're ready
    Has this ever happened to you: By the time you feel prepared to do something, it's too late? The window is already closing. The opportunity has been seized by others.

    The path to success is paved with people's shoulda, woulda, couldas. Don't be one of them.

    Many of us will never be ready for the big leaps of faith required to keep pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and outside our present wheelhouses. But that's where we all need to go to keep growing.

    See how to embrace living on your growing edge.

Over and over again, the critical difference between success and failure and achieving the small or big win is mindset. That's where it all begins.

So, the good news is, if you're struggling, the solution may be as simple as an attitude adjustment...or two.

Until next time,

PS - If you missed it, last week I was fawning over, yes, Not Another AI Tool.

"You gave me so much clarity and confidence about my mission, message, and how to market myself. And, in one conversation, you completely shifted my perception of my business."

Neelu Kaur, Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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