Do What I Say...

As a business growth coach, I'm pretty much always giving advice. That's the job, right?

But, I can't tell you how many times I hear something come out of my mouth and think, "Wow, why aren't I doing that?"

It's the perennial refrain of teachers (and parents) everywhere: Do what I say, not what I do.

And, I am the absolute poster child for that particular golden rule.

I've written before about not overcomplicating things and making what should be a simple molehill into a gigantic mountain that feels way too big to summit.

Well, that same 'keep it simple' approach is also the way to go when you're trying to make substantial changes to the systems and tools you rely on to get things done in your business.

That golden rule is: Change one thing at a time.

This way, you can make sure that each thing works before you move on to the next. Because let's face it, how many times do significant changes go smoothly?

Rarely, if ever, in my case.

Do I know this? Yes!

Am I doing this? No!

As you know, I'm launching a new workshop this week, which should be enough.

But, nooooo.

I'm also soft-launching a new website and integrating a new customer relationship management system to boot.

I absolutely do not advise this.

And, I cannot stress this enough: Do not do what I am doing. Please.

Don't even think about it.

It's crazy and reckless and needlessly stressful.

All the moving parts exponentially increase the likelihood that not only will things go wrong, but they'll go wrong in colossal ways.

Instead, do this:

  1. Prioritize changes based on biggest impact, significant/impending deadlines, or easiest-to-most-complex to implement.
  2. Research what you need to know and do to implement each change.
  3. Figure out how much time you'll need to do the work and then add a good deal of buffer to address issues if something doesn't go right.
  4. Be clear on how to get support.
  5. Schedule the implementation during "off" times, like Fridays or weekends.
  6. Make sure you understand what happens after you flip the switch. Will things happen immediately, or will you have to wait after activation before things take effect?
  7. Have a backup plan should things go sideways and you need more help than anticipated.

I truly hope this saves you unnecessary grief and frustration!

On a separate note...

A lot of folks asked after my mom and her TV situation after last week's message, so here's the update...

Mom is enjoying her voice-activated 43" 4K TV on a brand new TV stand that I set up and assembled, respectively.

I'm not going to lie, that TV stand, which neither of us planned on purchasing, was a beast to unload and unbox. But, it only took a few hours to get everything done, and we both enjoyed watching Olympic figure skating on such a large, crystal clear screen.

So, my effort was well-rewarded.

Until next week, just keep putting one foot in front of the other to get where you want to go.

Sharing is caring. Please pass this message on.

Easily Said & Done

Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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