No Harm in Asking

Last week, I advised you to Hope for the Best, and this week is no different as it relates to gathering feedback and testimonials.

Having systems and processes in place to manage this critical aspect of your business is really important and not least because it reinforces your own understanding of what is working and what needs work so you can focus on the right things.

Yet, there are times when your customer input actually serves a more important purpose—it bolsters your confidence and reminds you why you do what you. And, it gives you incredible insight into what your customers truly value about your business.

I realize that regularly asking for feedback and testimonials can be difficult for some people. It feels scary and maybe even icky, like pandering for praise.

But, I'd ask you to consider that perhaps there's something else going on.

Many years ago, I had this experience with a prospective client who owned a small shop that was new to the neighborhood. He really wanted to build his business and expand his audience beyond walk-in traffic.

I suggested that a simple follow-up survey delivered electronically to customers shortly after their experience in his shop might be a helpful tool for building an effective marketing and sales strategy.

Bob (not his real name), the owner, thought that would be a huge imposition to customers. So, I suggested he ask his customers at the point-of-sale if they would be willing to participate, assuring them that the survey was very short.

Again, he rebuffed my suggestion, believing his customers would never go for it.
Finally, I asked Bob if he felt it was an imposition whenever he was asked for feedback as a customer.

He thought about this and said, “If I don’t care about the company, then yeah, I guess I don’t really want to be bothered filling out a survey.”

So,” I said, “Is this how you think your customers feel about you and your business?

"Whoa," said Bob, "I never thought of it like that, but, yeah, that's actually my fear."

The truth is, we often avoid doing things because we're worried about the worst things happening.

Bob worried his customers didn't care enough about his business to participate and, if they did, they might submit negative comments.

So, while, yes, he was concerned about how his customers might feel being asked for feedback, he was more concerned how he would feel if his worst fears were realized.

I don't know about you, but I can certainly relate to that.

Regardless of what you get back from your customers, they're telling you things you really need to know, and that’s the key—knowledge.

If you don’t know what’s preventing customers from doing more business with you, referring you, and spreading that vital word-of-mouth, how can you fix it?

And, if you don't know why they love doing business with you, then, like Bob, how can you create the most effective marketing and sales strategy to attract more customers?

Consistently collecting feedback and testimonials is a vital aspect of sustainable success.

The trick is in asking the right questions in the right way at the right time via the best system for your customers and your business.

Want some help with this? Why not
book a laser coaching session?

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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