And So It Begins

If you're like me, once Halloween hits, all bets are off for the rest of the year. You've got a ton of things to do. Some are must-dos, others are really, really wanna-dos. And, it can be a lot. Like a lot A LOT.

As the song goes, the season is supposed to be "merry and bright."

But, with all the deadlines and pressure, it can become quite depressing and dark pretty darn quickly.

A few years ago, that was an apt description of me. I was emotionally exhausted after ending an intense business partnership.

I had a bunch of business deadlines. I had to evaluate and select a new healthcare plan, which meant changing all of my doctors. I had to catch up on my bookkeeping.

And, I had a mountain of holiday cards to write, address, and send, tons of gifts to buy and wrap, travel plans to make, family and friend get-togethers to coordinate, and all the rest.

It's a little bit funny to look back on that time from this pandemic vantage point. What I wouldn't give for the simple pleasures and by-gone stressors of organizing holiday travel and get-togethers now.

But, even so, who needs all that stress getting in the way of the merry and bright?

So, this is what I try to do to keep the darkness at bay and stave off the overwhelm as the days grow shorter and colder (at least here on the east coast of the US), and all the holiday pandemonia and panic attempt to hold me in a headlock.

  • Get clear on my priorities.
    If you can't do everything, what are the things you really want and need to do?
  • Create an overarching schedule for myself.
    What are 3-to-5 business and/or personal goals you have for each week?
  • Say "No" to extracurriculars that don't serve my goals or needs.
    Need help with this? Check out How to Say "No."
  • Be a kid for a day.
    Tap into that 5-year-old you who lived for Christmas morning, or Thanksgiving pies, or some other holiday thing and allow yourself to be filled with that same wonder and joy.
  • Allow my best to be enough.
    This can be really tough! But, it's amazing how it really does get easier with practice. Just breathe. It'll all be ok!

Missed last week's message? Find it here.

Sharing is caring. Please pass this message on.

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Easily Said & Done

I help entrepreneurs leapfrog over the typical potholes that derail most small businesses with inspiration, motivation, education, and support across a wide range of business topics drawn from over a decade of running my own business, teaching entrepreneurship for the City of New York, and coaching and consulting privately with dozens of women and minority small business owners. Honestly, why go it alone when help is an email away?

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